2021 has started. And we are glad to see its predecessor behind us – as we are sure you are too. Whether at home or in the office, we thought we could tell you how you (using artificial plants) can use your space to get #Closer2 productivity, and how our offer of free next-day delivery on all orders of £70 and over this January 2021 might help you get there.
So, how do you get #Closer2 productivity? How can you use your space to feel good, purposeful, and productive? We would be here writing all night if we told you every way. But we will tell you about how we, Closer2Nature, can help you.
And this way is simple. It is green space.
‘Simple?’ you might ask.
Yes, simple. Whether the plants are alive or artificial, greenery – or nature – encourages productivity. In today’s day-and-age, this is pivotal.
Working from home or returning to the office – it is all the same to us!
2020 saw a 21-24% rise in people working exclusively from home in the UK. It even hit a high of 38% mid-June. For 2021, we are expecting similar numbers. So, if you are set to start, or expect to continue, working from home, why not make sure you create a workspace (or spaces) that will help you keep your productivity up?
Though, what if this is not the case? What if you have returned (or are due to return) to your company office? Well, if you are – like us and our own marketing team – returning to your offices, why not evaluate the space you will be returning to? At the office (home or away), a productive day is always a good day.
Home or away, the rules are the same. Get the ball in the net. Or, in this case: keep your space green. And in our case: do so with artificial plants.

Why a green - or colourful - space?
Research links the colour green to creativity. Creativity leads to productivity. And we can help – whether it be with our selection of green, artificial trees, or the snippets of green, offered by the leaves and stems of both our flower range and collection of floral trees.
However, it is not just green that aids in productivity. Colour, in general, has a big impact on our emotions and our productivity – especially when you vary the colours for difference spaces, using them to associate the space with different activities. Do you find yourself performing an array of tasks when working? Different work zones might help you keep productive when switching task. Whether it be at home or in the office, try associating green with one space, and different colours for other spaces – red and blue, for example.
Choose the colours that make you feel comfortable.
After all, comfort helps you keep focused and motivated – two ingredients to help get #Closer2 productivity. Why not choose colours that make you feel relaxed? Perhaps the sight of nature, alive or artificial, relaxes you.
We know this can often be the case.
And we know it first-hand.
We have made our own space green - and have been #Closer2 productivity ever since.
With the introduction of social distancing, our marketing team found themselves working and writing from the confounds of an office space surrounded by both our green and floral trees – as well as our flowers. “It helped me feel relaxed from day one,” one of the new recruits recalled. One of the more seasoned team added: “There has definitely been a positive, productive change in atmosphere.”
Our former workspace was situated where plants could not get what they need to thrive – likewise with our new office space. However, our vibrant, varying stock has allowed our marketing team’s creativity (and productivity) to blossom.
Have a look at our range of trees and flowers - perhaps our new arrivals. Take advantage of our exclusive-to-January-2021 free next-day delivery on orders of £70 and over. And let us know how they help you get #Closer2 productivity.
Send us your stories, your photos of artificial plants, and your own tips on how to get #Closer2 productivity. We would love to hear from you.
And don’t forget to use the hashtag: #Closer2.