Artificial 80cm White and Green Rose Arrangement


This elegant Rose (Rosa) and mixed foliage arrangement would make a charming addition to the home or a special occasion venue. Made using the finest materials and the most advanced manufacturing techniques, the blended silk flowers are botanically accurate and UV resistant. The arrangement is supplied in the tall martini glass...

Order with Next Day Delivery in the next 14 hours 42 minutes to get it by Thursday 06/03/2025


This elegant Rose (Rosa) and mixed foliage arrangement would make a charming addition to the home or a special occasion venue.

Made using the finest materials and the most advanced manufacturing techniques, the blended silk flowers are botanically accurate and UV resistant.

The arrangement is supplied in the tall martini glass vase as shown.

Approximate Height 80cm (2ft 7")

Arrangement for Indoor Use Only

This arrangement is suitable for indoor use only as weather conditions vary and exposure to strong winds and frost would lead to damage.